WOW, what a fabulous show !!!
5 dogs in the car and 4 firsts, a Second a Best Puppy a In Show, a Best Veteran In Show, a newly crowned Show Champion and Best In Show ... does it get any better than this???
Montegrino Tom Thumb for Rainesgift
Winner of Minor puppy Dog, Best Puppy Dog, Best Puppy In Show
Best Puppy Bitch In Show was Thomas's sister Montegrino Toasted Teacake, bred and owned by Jaqui Smith
Rainesgift over The Moon, second in limit Dog
CH.Calswish Rosebud to Lizzlog Best Veteran In Show
(CH.Rainesgift Seymour ex Culmquill Christmas Eve)
Bred by Catherine Larner, owned by Linda Walker and handled by Hayley Walker
Show Champion Rainesgift Hucklebery Finn to Lizzlog JW
Winner of Open Dog, Best Dog In Show, winner of the all important and well overdue third CC and Best In Show
Owned and very much loved by Hayley Walker
All photos by Kyoko Ross
Many thanks to Judges Chris Holmes (Candidacasa) and Jenny Morgan (Hillwolf) who thought so highly of our dogs !!!